As we age, one issue most of us have to face is diminished eyesight. Age related loss of vision due to macular degeneration, cataracts, or glaucoma can be attributed to damage on a cellular level. Antioxidants found in certain vitamins and minerals help fight the free radicals that are wreaking havoc throughout the body, including the eyes. You will find supplements on the market designed specifically to keep your eyes healthy. Some actually claim to slow macular degeneration and restore eyesight. However, these specialized products can be expensive. Without spending a lot of money, you can most likely find less expensive multivitamin which contains the exact vitamins and minerals that are proven to help with eye health. Be sure to check the ingredients in your multivitamin to see if you are taking some of the recommended vitamins and minerals already. If this is the case, you may be able to simply supplement your regular daily multivitamin with any missing elements, rather than buy the more expensive eye health products. Several vitamins and minerals work best when taken together. The following nutrients are needed for eye health, especially as you age.
Vitamin C helps promote healthy capillaries in the retina and to help build collagen, important for the cornea of the eye. Your body cannot produce vitamin C, so you must get it from foods or supplements. This helps prevent age-related macular degeneration and cataracts, take vitamin E along with selenium. Vitamin E widens blood vessels and helps fight bacteria. Taking selenium with the vitamin E helps your body absorb it and use it more effectively. One of the easiest vitamins to get is vitamin A. Just think colorful fruits and vegetables and you've got it. This vitamin helps remove toxins from the entire body, including your eyes. It also helps your body resist damage from UV rays. As you take in vitamin A, it's essential that your body has a good supply of beta carotene and zinc to absorb it and put it to work. However consult your doctor or health professional before taking a zinc supplement as too much zinc can cause damage to the eyes. Lutein and Zeaxanthin these two nutrients team up to specially protect the eyes against diseases caused by macular degeneration. These two nutrients filter out damaging light by acting as antioxidants in the eye to protect and maintain healthy cells. Age related vision loss is certainly a concern. But, you can take preventive measures now to ensure you will have the best possible protection against the harmful effects of cell aging and damage.